I’ve been baking more often since we moved here, partly because we have lots of friends and family visiting, and partly because I have a cracker of a new oven that bakes beautifully.
I usually make sourdough from my trusty starter culture that I’ve had for many years now, but I change the style with the extra flour, usually rye (sometimes with caraway), also wholemeal or fruit and nut or multi-seed, but this week I thought I’d try some of the millet flakes I’ve had in the larder for a few months.
Millet is not a grain I grew up with, or have any familiarity with, so a bag of millet I impulse bought thinking that I’d somehow use it for cooking was sitting unused in a storage box in the larder. I actually ended up feeding some of my organic millet flakes to a sick chicken because it was near to hand on the day. She seemed to like it.
So I thought I should try it in some sourdough with millet.
I used 1 cup of millet flakes with 3 cups of white bakers flour in otherwise a standard sourdough loaf. It turned out a nice looking loaf and I’m loving the flavour. It’s very savoury, says ‘dinner rolls’ to me. It kept well for a couple of days, and tonight we finished it as slices to mop up the plates with a beef stew – again a good flavour for the purpose.